What is exactly Cancer? its causes, type, symptom, and treatment
Cancer is a disease that affects the cells in the body. Cancer occurs when abnormal cell growth causes them to grow out of control. Cancer can be found anywhere in your body, but most commonly develops in one of these areas: breast or female reproductive organs, colon, and rectum (large intestine) including rectal prolapse (bleeding from the anus), lungs including lung cancer or bronchus cancer and skin.

What is Cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow, divide, and spread quickly. It can affect almost any part of the body, including the lungs, colon and rectum, breast, and skin.
Cancer starts when genetic changes occur to cells that do not stop growing even though they should have stopped growing at some time during our lifetime. As time goes on these changes become more common in our body until finally one cell acquires them all and becomes cancerous (tumor).
Definitions of Cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which cells in a particular part of the body grow out of control. Cancer can affect any part of the body, but most cancers start in the cells that line organs and other tissues.
Cancer may be caused by changes (mutations) to genes or by damage to DNA (genetic material). These genetic changes allow growth factors to become abnormally active, leading to uncontrolled cell division and growth. If these mutations occur early enough before they are corrected or removed by natural processes such as development or aging, they may lead to cancerous tissue formation.
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow, divide, and spread very fast.
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow, divide, and spread quickly. The most common types of cancer are skin cancers and mouth, throat, esophagus, and lung cancers.
Cancers can be detected by a physical examination or through imaging tests like X-rays or CAT scans. Doctors then use tests such as biopsies to look at the cells under a microscope to see if they’re cancerous.
Cancer can affect the lungs, colon and rectum, breast, skin, bones, or almost any other part of the body.
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow, divide, and spread quickly. It can affect any organ in the body but most commonly affects the lungs, colon and rectum, breast, skin, or bones.
Cancer can be cured if it’s found early enough. For example, if you have cancer of your lung then you may need treatment to stop the growth of cancerous cells before they spread into other parts of your body like lymph nodes or bones (metastasis).
What are the symptoms and signs of cancer?
The most common symptoms of cancer are:
- Fatigue. Cancer patients may experience a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion, especially after the treatment has ended. This is due to the high levels of stress that they undergo during their fight against the disease.
- Fever (or chills) in relation to certain types of cancer, like leukemia or lymphoma, where there is increased heat production within your body due to an increase in white blood cells being produced by your immune system; this can cause you to feel feverish as well as have hot flashes during night time hours when temperatures drop below normal levels (around 32 degrees Celsius).
- Weight loss due to lack of appetite due to chemotherapy treatments administered by doctors; those undergoing radiation therapy may also lose weight due to nausea experienced while undergoing treatments so make sure you eat healthy foods before starting any type of treatment plan!\
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Fatigue is a common symptom of cancer and its treatment. Fatigue can be caused by cancer and its treatment, as well as other conditions such as depression and anemia.
Fatigue is more common in advanced stages of cancer than when the disease has not spread to other parts of the body.
Fever is a sign of infection. It’s not caused by cancer and it’s not a symptom of cancer. If you have a fever, it could be caused by other things besides cancer, such as:
- Infectious diseases like tuberculosis or typhoid fever (in which case your doctor may prescribe antibiotics)
Weight loss
- Cancer can cause weight loss.
- The body is using up energy to fight cancer, and it also uses up a lot of energy just to keep itself functioning correctly. As you might have guessed, this leaves less energy for your muscles and organs to work with—so they start getting weak, tired, or sick.
- You may feel tired because you’re not able to eat much because of nausea or vomiting (this is called anorexia). If someone has cancer in their mouth or throat (or both) then they’ll often lose their appetite altogether due to pain from swallowing saliva; this is especially common among those who have advanced cancers such as lung cancer or pancreatic cancer but even those with non-advanced forms could find themselves having trouble eating regularly if they don’t want to lose weight due to pain associated with eating
Lumps on the skin or internal organs.
Lumps on the skin or internal organs are among the most common symptoms of cancer. If you have a lump in your breast, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Here are some ways you can check for signs of cancer:
- Pay attention to changes in your body that might be caused by an infection or injury (for example, bruises). You may notice these changes long before any pain or discomfort develop.
- Look for other symptoms such as fatigue and loss of appetite associated with many types of cancers.

Bleeding from any place of the body.
Bleeding from any place on the body
The most common type of bleeding is that which occurs from the rectum. This can be severe and can lead to severe pain and discomfort. The next most common form of bleeding is blood in urine or stool. Blood may also appear in sputum (a white mucus coming out from your lungs) as well as vomit
The treatment for cancer depends on the type of cancer and its stage of development.
The treatment for cancer depends on the type of cancer and its stage of development.
Cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.
Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people in the world each year. As a result, there is no cure for this disease yet. The only way to treat cancer is by finding and removing all traces of it from your body. This may be done through surgery or chemotherapy treatments; however, if these options aren’t available then radiation therapy may work best for your particular situation.